In Salesforce IT, we are constantly looking at opportunities to reduce the creation of new, unnecessary customization across our enterprise architecture. We have a Customization Reduction Framework which will be the focus of this blog. The primary team responsible for this framework is John Walsh, Michelle Dooley and Shiyas Puthiyapurayil, who have done an amazing job creating and then iterating on this framework.
Many customers ask us how best to reduce the creation of unnecessary customization, how governance can help get ahead of unnecessary customization and how to articulate the value of avoiding unnecessary customization. Just to be clear, some customization is simply necessary because the standard platforms that you use (eg. Salesforce, Workday, Adobe, ServiceNow, etc) don’t provide the specific capability you need. In other cases, customization can be avoided because the same capability is available “out of the box/cloud” or the suggested customization will be a duplicate (or triplicate!) of what already exists as a standard non-custom capability.
So why spend time focusing on the creation of unnecessary customization? We believe these are the tangible benefits:
My favorite value-add is being able to focus your talented developers on truly differentiating business capabilities. I believe this also helps retain…